
「チャン・キョンスプ教授特別講演 ”The Logic and Risk of Compressed Modernity: East Asia and Beyond”」のご案内

⾺渡玲欧会員より、「チャン・キョンスプ教授特別講演 ”The Logic and Risk of Compressed Modernity: East Asia and Beyond”」のご案内をいただきました。




ソウル国立大学の CHANG Kyung-Sup教授(ソウル国立大学、ディスティングイッシュト・プロフェッサー)は “The Logic and Risk of Compressed Modernity: East Asia and Beyond”について報告いたします。詳細を記載したチラシを添付しておりますのでご参照ください。

■ 講演のテーマ:
In many East Asian societies, modernization and development have takenplace in an extremely compressed fashion, achieving West-comparableaspects and levels of modernity in several decades, not overcenturies. Such achievement of East Asian societies in quick andextensive modernization and rapid economic growth, however, have alsoharbored unexpected risks and costs that tend to threaten their stablefurther development. The very mechanisms and strategies that have madetheir explosive modernization and development possible often keepproducing existentially hazardous consequences in virtually all areasof public and private life and serious obstacles to sustained advancesin the future. However, such risks and contradictions in turn haveserved as crucial impetus for structural reforms and adaptations,opening the possibility for the kind of radical change that UlrichBeck described as ‘the metamorphosis of the world.’ Focusing on EastAsian experiences and beyond, the speaker will present an analyticalaccount of the contexts, conditions, structures, and consequences ofcompressed modernity. In particular, the lecture will introducevarious key substances of the recent two books, The Logic ofCompressed Modernity (Polity, 2022) and The Risk of CompressedModernity (Polity, forthcoming in 2024).

■ 講演者の紹介:
チャン先生は、1990年代から韓国等における圧縮された近代化に関連した、たくさんの貴重な研究、学術論文と本を出しています。3年程前から圧縮された近代化の性質に目を向けて、2022年にThe Logic of Compressed Modernity (Polity, 2022) 、2024年に The Risk of Compressed Modernity (Polity, forthcoming in 2024)の本も出版しました。圧縮された近代化の研究について、一流の社会学者です。

■ 講演の案内:
講演者: CHANG Kyung-Sup (ソウル国立大学、ディスティングイッシュト・プロフェッサー)
テーマ:The Logic and Risk of Compressed Modernity: East Asia and Beyond

■ 事前登録:

■ 問合せ先:

